4D adalah pengembangan pemodelan dari 3D, dimana animasi dan aplikasi render
yang di kembangkan oleh Maxon Komputer GmbH di Jerman. Hal ini mampu merubah
prosedur dan polygonal atau sub modelingnya, yang mana 4D ini memliki prosedur
dan polygonal/ sub modeling, menjiwai,penchayaan,tekstur,pembuatan, dan
fitur-fitur umum ditemukan dalam apliasi 3D modeling.
varian saat ini yang tersedia dari Maxon adalah : aplikasi ini CINEMA 4D
‘Prime’, versi ‘Broadcast’ dengan fitur motion grafis tambahan,’Visualisasi’
yang menambahkan fungsi untuk desain arsitektur dan ‘Studio’, yang mencakup
semua modul.
tahun 2014 rilis varian 5, ‘Lite’. Yang di kemas dengan Adobe After Effects
Creative Cloud 2014, dan bertindak sebagai versi pengantar, dengan banyak fitur
yang dipotong. Ini adalah bagian dari kemitaraan baru antara dua perusahaan
baru,, Maxon di produksi plug-in yang di sebut C1NEWARE, memungkinkan setiap
varian untuk membuat alur kerja yang mulus dengan After Effects. Varian ‘Lite’
tergantung pada After Effect CC, yang membutuhkan aplikasi berjalan yang
terakhir untuk dimulai, dan hanya di jual sebagai komponen paket disertakan
dengan AE CC 2014 melalui Adobe.
CINEMA 4D dikembangkan untuk computer Amiga di awal 1990-an, dan tiga vesi
pertama dari program yang tersedia secara eksklusif untuk platform tersebut.
Dengan v4, bagaimanapun, Maxon mulai mengembangkan program untuk computer
Windows dan Macintosh juga, mengutip keinginan untuk menjangkau khalayak yang
lebih luas dan ketidakstabilan pertumbuhan pasar Amiga berikut kebangkrutan
rilis 11,5, Cinema 4D memiliki pendekatan modular untuk aplikasi, dengan
kemampuan untuk memperluas aplikasi inti dengan berbagai modul. Ini berakhir
dengan Realease 12, meskipun fungsi modul ini tetap dala, berbagai rasa dari
Cinema 4D (Perdana, Broadcast, Visualisasi,Studio) Modul tua adalah :
Ø Adbanced Render : Iluminasi
global/HDRI, caustic, oklusi ambient dan simulasi langit.
Ø BodyPaint 3D : Lukisan
langsung pada UVW Meshes; Sekarang termasuk dalam inti-intinya Cinema 4D,
inti/Prime dan produk BodyPaint 3D identik satu-satunya perbedaan antara
keduanya adalah splash screen dan atar muka pengguna default.
Ø Dynamics : Untuk simulasi tubuh lembut dan dinamika benda dynamics.
Ø Hair : Mensumulaskan Hair,fur,grass, dan lain-lain.
Ø Mocca : Karakter animasi dan simulasi kain.
Ø MoGraph : Motion Graphics pemodelan procedural dan animasi toolset.
Ø NET Render : Untuk membuat animasi memlalui jaringan TCP / IP di
render peternakan.
Ø PyroCluster : modul menjadi terintegrasi dalam modul lanjutan
Ø Sketch & Toon : Alat untuk cel shading kartun dan gambar
Ø Thinking Particles : Disempurnakan system partikel berdasarkan
Ø Xpresso : Tidak dan tidak pernah modul, itu adalah fungsi nti.
Release 13, Cinema 4D datang dalam empat Komponen :
: Aplikasi inti.
: Menambahkan MoGraph2.
: Menambahkan Visual Walkthrough, Advanced Render, Sky, Sketch dan Toon,
pertukaran data, kamera yang cocok.
: Paket Lengkap
Version history
Christian and Philip Losch enter
their ray-tracer into Kickstart
magazine's monthly programming contest, and win the competition.
FastRay (CINEMA 4D's first name)
is released for the Amiga.
CINEMA 4D V1 is released for
Release of CINEMA 4D V1.5 and V2
for Amiga.
Release of CINEMA 4D V2.1 and
V3.0 for Amiga.
Plans are made for porting CINEMA
4D to the PC platform.
New programmer team begins
development of a completely new, operating-system-independent architecture.
CINEMA 4D V4 for Windows, Alpha
NT, Macintosh and Amiga is released.
The first multi-processor version
of CINEMA 4D is made available.
The development of a
production-level version begins, integrating the latest technologies.
The last version of Cinema 4D for
Amiga, V4.2, is released.
The first production-worthy
version is released — CINEMA 4D XL V5.
CINEMA 4D SE V5 is released.
are introduced.
CINEMA 4D XL V6 is released.
BodyPaint 3D is made available as
an integrated version for CINEMA 4D, and as a standalone version for other
3-D packages.
CINEMA 4D ART is introduced.
PyroCluster and Dynamics modules
are introduced.
CINEMA 4D XL R7 is shipped
MAXON integrates the shader set Smells
like Almonds from bhodiNUT.
CINEMA 4D R8 is released with a
modular system. The new modules are Advanced Render, PyroCluster, MOCCA andThinking
CINEMA 4D R8.5 is released.
BodyPaint 3D R2 is
Sketch and Toon module is
CINEMA 4D R9 is released.
CINEMA 4D R9.5 is released.
HAIR module is
CINEMA 4D R9.6 is released.
MoGraph module is
CINEMA 4D R10 with integrated BodyPaint
3D is released.
CINEMA 4D becomes the first
professional 3-D graphics application released as a Universal
Binary for Apple's new Intel-powered Macs (even before Apple
Universal Binary versions of its own software are released).
Service update R10.1 is released
in March, in response to bug feedback provided to Maxon by users and testers.
Service update R10.111 released
to address several reported problems, such as stability.
CINEMA 4D R10.5 is released, and
features updates to MOCCA and MoGraph, as well as an optimization of the HAIR
CINEMA 4D R11 released.
CINEMA 4D supports 64-bit
architecture on Apple G5 and Intel-powered Macs.
A new implementation of Global
Illumination (included in the Advanced Render module) offers a higher quality
than that of the old version, and much improved animation support.
Non-Linear Animation has been
completely reworked.
The Renderman support (CINEMAN)
is now included in AR.
CINEMA 4D R11.5 released.
Introduces MoGraph 2 (which
includes MoDynamics [Uses the Bullet Engine], PolyFX, and MoSplines)
Bucket rendering reduces render
times and manages clone instancing and memory management much more
efficiently. Anti-Aliasing methods to choose from are Scanline, Ray-Tracing,
and Hybrid (which uses both to best optimize quality vs. speed). Also greatly
improved Subpolygon Displacement and Area Shadows efficiency and speed using
An enhanced Picture Viewer that
will allow a history of renders, RAM previews, and A/B swiping. Also, manages
post filtering and Multi-Pass Layers.
Full 3D support for Apple Motion,
and improved support withAdobe After Effects. Also, exports clones and
XRefs to Motion and After Effects, as well as the ability to bring in solids
for mapping video onto 3D surfaces. It can also export multiple cameras at
Fully compatible with Mac OS X
Snow Leopard (10.6) and Windows 7.
QuickTime for Windows (64 bit)
now supported.
File exchange for FBX 2010.0
Other new features include a new
Camera Shader which will map any camera view onto any surface, improved
MoGraph Effectors, and other general improvements and refinements.
CINEMA 4D R12 released.
Dynamics has been improved
(complex physicengine)
Renderer works better / faster.
Menu has been cleaned up.
Many minor improvements like the
Shaders and Materials.
Linear workflow introduced with
correct display in OGL.
Double precision calculation
introduced and true units.
Support for IES lights and physically
correct lighting.
Integration of Python
Support of OpenGL 3
Support for PPC CPUs (G5)
CINEMA 4D R13 released.
New Physical Render engine (More
photorealistic: Physical Camera with ISO, f-stop and shutter speed or angle,
true depth of field, true motion blurring, lens distortion, vignetting, and
chromatic aberration.)
Stereoscopy. New Stereoscopic
Camera and Rendering with real-time display. Supports Anaglyph, Side-by-Side,
Interlaced, or Active Shutter mode for 3D Monitors, projectors and glasses.
New Character tools, allowing the
user to set up complex rigs quickly and easily. CMotion Walk Cycle editor;
Character Components for TDs to define rig hierarchies, and new Muscle Object
& MSkin Deformer.
Animation refinements. Rotation
Order and Gimbaling Rotation Axis to detect and correct gimbal lock. Better
timeline markers. Finely tuned F-Curves.
Colored animation paths.
Optimized Modeling workflow.
(Enhanced cloning and extrusions; Advanced selection tools; new optimized
HyperNURBS weighting algorithm for cleaner topology and sharper but smooth
creases; Axis toggle; Auto Tweaking; Easy, intuitive Snapping; Variable Speed
Scaling; Better ClothNURBS Extrusion)
New, accurate Sub-Surface
Scattering shader (SSS). Terrain Mask shader. Brick Shader enhancements.
Enhanced MoGraph Muti-Shader.
Improved Interface and Workflow.
Enhanced Picture Viewer. All-new External Referencing System for XRefs.
New Import/Export features (After
Effects Integration; FBX Import/Export supports 2010, 2011, and 2012;
Multi-Channel OpenEXR; Enhanced Sound Format support including AIF, MP3, and
AAC; Collada 1.5; BodyPaint 3D support for Maya UVs)
Cinema 4D R14 released (September
4, 2012)
Sculpting Tools.
Enhanced Dynamics (Aerodynamics)
Plastic Deformations &
Breakable Springs.
Enhanced Xpresso UI.
Camera Calibrator. Integrate 3D
element into photographs.
Morph camera and motion camera.
Blend between different cameras. Create natural dynamic camera motion.
New Shaders: Wood shader,
weathering shader, normalizer
Subsurface Scattering
GI Multiple Importance Sampling
Radiosity Maps
NUKE export
with position pass render
Xref enhanced
Completely overhauled snapping
and new guides/workplanes
Cinema 4D R15 released (September
1, 2013)
New GI and AO
New Bevel Tool
Intel Embree Support
Builtin Network Render Support
(Team Render)
Kerning Support
Enhance Sculpting Tools
Workflow Improvements
Cinema 4D R16 released (September
2, 2014)
3D Motion Tracking
New PolyPen Modeling Tool
Multi-layer reflections
New Cogwheel Spline Primitive
Team Render Server
New UV Peeler
Updated FBX and Alembic support
Bevel Deformer works
Solo Mode added
Cinema 4D R17 released
Take System
Onboard Spline tools
Sculpt to PoseMorph
Material Override
Variation and Formula Shaders
Houdini Engine Integration
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